The ELIZE Project, developed under the patronage of the Romanian Center for Energy (CRE) in partnership with SIVECO Romania, aims at providing electricity to remote rural zones of Romania ensuring rural sustainability and offering also, in a holistic approach, intelligent power generation and consumption together with integrated informational services.
The village’s Micro-Network will serve the following purposes:
- Power generation
- Power storage
- Power Control, Automation and Measurements
- Micro Power Grid
- Communication Network
- Intelligent metering at consumers.
An efficient local power infrastructure will have to use also a local information and communication infrastructure. Having in place such a network new e-Services type of functionalities can bring new synergies and contribute to the rural sustainability with:
- Remote e-Services, as e-Health and e-Learning
- Empowerment of the community by better social cooperation, on the local level and through internet
- A better support infrastructure for the local micro-businesses, including tourism.