The project was conducted in a consortium of 20 organizations comprising research centers and universities, transmission and distribution utilities, energy equipment and ICT manufacturers, DER (Distributed Energy Resources) owners, consulting companies.
Project name: FENIX (Flexible Electricity Networks to Integrate the eXpected ‘energy evolution’)
Status: Finalised
Programme: EU FP6
Period: 2005 – 2009
Consortium leader: IBERDROLA (ES)
Partners: 20 from 8 countries (ES, FR, UK, NL, RO: ECRO, AU, DE, SL)
EU Budget: EUR 14 mil
- To boost Distributed Energy Resources (DER) by maximizing their contribution to the electric power system, through aggregation into Large Scale Virtual Power Plants (LSVPP) and decentralized management
- To conceptualize, design and demonstrate a technical architecture and commercial framework that would enable DER based system to become the solution for the future cost efficient, secure and sustainable EU electricity supply system.
Our role:
- Ancillary services concepts and measurement
- Definition and characterizations of services to support active distribution networks with LSVPPs
- Developments at the level of the DERs
- Design and testing at the level of the EMS FENIX agent
- Training courses on FENIX concepts and architecture.
LSVPP – Enhancing system security and reducing overall costs.
More about the project at: